1 minute read

I just released a new project on GitHub called doxygen-themes which allows users to customize Doxygen styling and colors using some example templates, including a stylesheet boiled down to a few color variables.

Contributions are definitely welcome. For the lazy, here is the README.md below.

Some sample Doxygen themes using Bootstrap 5 with different approaches to CSS use. Not all of the HTML is Bootstrap though, just the header and footer with Bootstrap like coloring applied to the body elements.

Click here for the demo landing page..


This project is a demonstration of possible approaches to theming Doxygen generated websites. Frameworks other than Bootstrap can be used, this is just an example of what is possible.

  • Applied directly.
  • Root variables applied.
  • Simple color palette propagated.


  • CMake - Build the project and create the website.
  • Doxygen - Create the website documentation.


All components use CDN links to keep project file overhead low.

  • Bootstrap - Styles the header and footer. Also provides the primary colors for the Doxygen classes.
  • Font Awesome - Header icons.
  • jQuery - Required by Bootstrap and used for the custom palette picker.

Sample CSS

Below is the CSS used for the Neon Pink theme.

:root {
  --color-body: #bda9a9;
  --color-hyperlink: #ffffff;
  --color-title-background: #8a1253;
  --color-title-text: #ffffff;
  --color-footer-header-background: #c51350;
  --color-footer-header-text: #ffffff;
  --color-section-header-background: #e8751a;
  --color-section-header-text: #ffffff;
  --color-section-subheader-background: #fda403;
  --color-section-subheader-text: #ffffff;
  --color-section-text: #ffffff;
  --color-section-background: #bd9a9a;

Notice how there is a lot of #ffffff in there. This could probably be further simplified.

Future Ideas

There are a lot of CSS features that can be found. Some ways to simplify the palette even more.

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