3 minute read

GitHub actions don’t support running tests on created actions from the same repository. In order to do this, another repository needs to be created. There is a way to test locally using nektos/act but this doesn’t address code being committed upstream and continuously integrated. Let’s get to it.

For this walkthrough, there will be two endpoints:

  • Action repository where your created action under test lives.
  • Test repository that houses the tests.

The general idea is to have your action repository publish an event that says a push has occurred, relay it to the test repository which triggers tests on the test repository. For this example I am using my own recently published action awalsh128/cache-apt-pkgs-action. Feel free to swap out this with your equivalent action.

The steps needed are to create:

  • a shared secret,
  • a staging (or another) branch besides master on the action repository,
  • a repository to run tests on your action code,
  • tests in your test repository,
  • a publish action in your action repository,
  • a subscriber action in your test repository.

More details on each step below.

Create Shared Secret

A Personal Access Token (PAT) will allow the publisher (action repository) to trigger the event that the subscriber (test repository) will then act on. This shared secret will be needed so they can interact.

Instructions to setup your PAT. Use the arguments below.

Profile > Settings > Developer settings > Personal Access Token > Generate New Token

Field Value
Note Publish push requests to awalsh128/cache-apt-pkgs-action-ci
Expiration (whatever you choose this to be)
Access: repo_public

Example PAT Config Screen

Once you complete the configuration it will then show you what the value is. Note this isn’t my actual value, so don’t get any ideas. >:|

Example PAT Value Screen

We can now share this PAT / secret with the publisher.


Turning our attention to the publisher side (action repository) of the event that will trigger the tests on the test repository.

Store Shared Secret on Publisher

In order for the action repository to publish the event to the test repository, it will need access to it. The PAT will need to be stored in a variable so it can be used in the action without actually revealing it’s value.

To create a scecret, you can use a URL like below. Replace the cache-apt-pkgs-action-ci repository with your own test repository name.


Use the arguments below when creating the secret.

Settings > Secrets > New repository secret

Field Value
Secret (value taken from Create Shared Secret)

Here’s an example of the PAT we generated before.

Example PAT Value Screen

Create a staging branch in awalsh128/cache-apt-pkgs-action

This will be used as a testing branch. Broken code can live here without going to master. It doesn’t have to be called staging, call it whatever you want (e.g. dev, whatever).

git checkout -b staging
git push origin staging
git push --set-upstream origin staging

Create Publish Action

In the action repository, create .github/workflows/staging_push.yml workflow that will trigger on any push to staging.

name: Publish Staging Push Event
  # Allow manual triggering for debugging.
  # Publish when we see a push to staging.
      - staging

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Publish staging push
      # Note the event_type and URL secrets passed so the action repository 
      # is allowed to post to the test repository.
      - run: |
          curl -i \
            -X POST \
            -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
            -H "Authorization: token ${{ secrets.PUBLISH_PUSH_TOKEN }}" \
            https://api.github.com/repos/awalsh128/cache-apt-pkgs-action-ci/dispatches \
            -d '{"event_type":"staging_push"}'


Now on the subscriber (test repository), setup the tests and trigger to respond to the staging push.

Create Repository and Test

  • Create awalsh128/cache-apt-pkgs-action-ci repository (ci = continuous integration) for testing.
  • Create a workflow .github/workflows/tests.yml that subscribes to staging_push events and runs tests.
name: Staging Push Tests
  # Allow for manual dispatches so we can test the workflow if needed.
    # Name of the event that will by pubsub'd.
    types: [staging_push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Install and cache.
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      # Note that the action uses the @staging version.
      # Allows testing to happen on that branch so it can get pulled into master once it passes.
      - uses: awalsh128/cache-apt-pkgs-action@staging
          packages: xdot rolldice

That’s it. Now anytime code is pushed to staging on your action repository, it will trigger tests on your test repository.

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