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  • Data Type: Values and operations on those values.
  • Expression
    • Sequence of operators and operands.
    • Involves same or different data types.
    • Semantics include value categories.
  • Value Categories
    • It is either an lvalue or an rvalue
    • lvalue
      • Can be taken by address.
    • rvalue
      • Cannot be taken by address.
      • Usually temporary, lifetime in block scope, and/or a literal (12, nullptr, ‘a’)

      int x = 12 x is an lvalue and 12 is an rvalue 12 = x is illegal because rvalue cannot be used as an assignment

      caller see changes, callee can change data

      f(T&) takes an lvalue reference f(t) legal because t is an lvalue f(T()) illegal because T() is an rvalue and is temporary

      callee cannot change data

      f(const T&) takes an lvalue or rvalue reference f(t) legal because t is an lvalue f(T()) legal because the param is immutable and guarantees that the arg won’t change

      caller cannot see changes, callee can change data

      f(T&&) takes an rvalue reference f(t) illegal because t is an lvalue f(T()) legal because T() is an rvalue


Whether in a template or elsewhere, ::* is a C++ token, only usable in a type expression, in the context class_name::*. It declares a pointer to member.



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