Some computer based reading I have enjoyed over the years.

Computer Science

  • Art of Programming
    • Synopsis: Multi volume books meant to cover all the different mathematics used to write algorithms. Volumes are separated based on math concept.
    • Opinion: Don’t expect to read these back to back. Take it in parts and for topics that you are interested in. For example I found the section on hashing interesting when I was trying to understand it better.
  • Introduction to Algorithms (CLRS)
    • Synopsis: Canonical Algorithmns teaching book.
    • Opinion: I have a personal affinity for this book due to its simplicity in format and diagrams. IMO it isn’t too wordy like other books and gives me what I need to know quickly.
  • Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (Dragon Book)
    • Synopsis: Provides information for building a compiler and the different features involved.
    • Opinion: Really loved this book in school. Gave me a good sense of compiler basics. Unfortunately it doesn’t cover more advanced topics like type reification but it shouldn’t be expected as starter book.

Computer History


Design & Architecture

Maintenance & Management

  • Mythical Man-Month - Presents the multiple ideas of Fred Brooks with the central theme that “adding manpower to a late software project makes it later” (Brook’s Law).
  • Site Reliability Engineering - Outlines concepts used by Google SRE for managing large scale systems. These convcept have served me very well in my time at Google. If you want a good sense of devops posture, this is a must read.

Landmark Papers

An archive of past to present awarded by the ACM can be found in Turing Lecture Award Papers.



Cyber Punk Fiction

  • Akira - In the backdrop of post-WWIII Neo-Tokyo, two friends relationship becomes darker as one realizes their strong psychokinetic powers.
  • Blade Runner / Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - Backdrop is a detective in futuristic 2019 charged with killing replicants. Contrasts human vs artificial intelligence (AI), the central theme is the examination of humanity.
  • The Ghost in the Shell - In the near future, humans are augmented with cybernetic improvements to traits such as vision, strength, and intelligence. Story follows, counter terrorism operative and cyborg, Killian.
  • MaddAddam Trilogy - A corporate dystopian future where civil society doesn’t exist, just the corps. The story follows multiple characters involved in a bio attack.
  • Neuromancer - Set in the future, a washed-up computer hacker, Henry Case is hired for one last job. This brings him up against a powerful AI.